"If people knew how much fun it is to do nice things for others the world would be a completely different place!" I told my husband on my way home from this week's Kindness Countdown activity.
I'm a real estate agent with Keller Williams in Milwaukee, and my why is to help people.
I want to help people receive the reliable service I wish I had gotten in my former real estate transactions, to utilize the unique skill set I've developed over the years (juggling a freelance writing/marketing career, homeschooling three kids, cooking meals, caring for 8 pets, kickboxing, making time for family and friends, etc), and because I love getting to know people - every where I go...just ask my friends and family, I talk to EVERYONE!
And so, I strive to provide my clients with the best care possible, to connect them with other professionals I've come to respect so they're surrounded by a team of people that will make the transition out-of or in-to their home as smooth as possible.
I feel incredibly blessed to be trusted with such a huge part of my client's lives and to do this thing I love. And so after all is said and done, I give a portion of my commission away.

I noticed which men and women smiled at those near them, which customers had especially large loads in their carts, which people had children with (that they would need to shop for gifts for next month), who might appreciate a little help with their grocery bill.
And then I approached them and asked if I could give them a gift. They all said yes. ;)
And then a couple of them asked if they could give me a hug! ("YES!")
And then one lady asked me what my name was "so I can tell people this story and keep you in my prayers."
I walked out of the store with tears in my eyes and a huge smile on my face!
Three thoughts have stayed with me since that afternoon:
1. DO THIS! If you can afford a $5 gift card, give it someone at your local Dollar Store. If you can afford to give away one gift card at the grocery store, give away one. If your bank account allows for more, give more. This can be a stressful time of year for people who live on a budget. I know, I've been there!
2. Talk to your family and friends about your gift-giving traditions. My best friend and I switched to gifting each other with a night out to a nice dinner in lieu of buying each other presents a few years ago and the memories we've made since then are priceless! My brother and I discussed buying presents only for each other's kids this year and then going on a low-key double-date as a gift for each other and our spouses. Plan a game night or give your family members a coupon to come over to watch a movie. Memories made together are so much more valuable than anything you can buy in a store!
3. Find your why! Having a clear understanding of why you do what you do, what you hope the future of your family and career look like is insanely powerful! It can be a source of extra strength when you're ready to quit, it makes what you do more rewarding, it provides your days with more meaning.
I want that for you!