Saturday, October 12, 2024

Week 15: A Labor of Lasagna Love

My life philosophy is to remain curious, all the time. I wonder about everything, I spend time researching randomness, I keep my head and heart open to new things/places/challenges/ideas, I think quite a bit about my life, what my childhood was like to make me who I am, how I can improve myself and the world around me. 

All of that has led me to know I am far from perfect. Ha! But I do know that when I'm presented with a way to help others, I figure out a way to say yes. Which leads me to last week's Kindness Countdown activity. 

One day, a few months ago, I was scrolling through social media when the ever-present, powerful algorithm (is it in the cloud? 😅) introduced me to Lasagna Love. It was ❤ at first sight in my feed. 

Lasagna Love is an organization located in three countries with over 56,000 volunteers who provide 3,500 lasagna meals a week to those who request them. No questions asked, except for those I routinely follow-up with:

  • What date and time would be best of your delivery?
  • Any specific requests/preferences? (A woman once told me her and her son loved onions so I sauteed extra, just shy of caramelized, to add with the sauce layer)
  • Would you like one full pan or two half pans?
  • Would you prefer I deliver the lasagna cooked or assembled with cooking instructions?
My first donation was for an elderly woman who requested two half pans so she could invite her son over one night and her neighbor another, providing her with company. Another was for a wife and her caregiver husband who was going in for surgery and unable to cook for a while. 

Whether one just had a baby or surgery, is having a busy week and could use a night off from cooking, is making ends meet until their next payday, whatever! They can visit the website linked above to request a lasagna and be matched with a volunteer in their area who will reach out to make arrangements. It's that simple! 

And it's simple to volunteer too! Visit that same website and click the "Get Involved" tab, set up your profile, including how often you're willing to be matched (I'm currently set at once a month) and wait for your first match. 

Adding red pepper hearts to the top of your lasagnas is optional. 😉

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