Thursday, September 26, 2024

Week 13: Free Gas? That's Bananas!

Each Summer, my parents rent a pontoon boat for two hours on a lake about 45 minutes away. They pick up Jimmy John's for everyone, pack a cooler with drinks; I make a playlist for the cruise and we all walk off happier, lighter (until we get our traditional custard at The Kiltie drive-in on the way home), and most of us still damp from the swim. It's one of our favorite days of the year. 

Last month, after we got home, that seasonal high we all felt came crashing to a halt when my daughter burst into the bathroom while I was showering yelling, "TURN OFF THE WATER, IT'S POURING INTO THE BASEMENT." We quickly learned the plumbers who had been there earlier in the day inserted the valve incorrectly restricting any water from leaving the property, therefore, pouring through any openings possible. 😭 Absolutely not what we needed that night when we all desperately required a shower and had a couple loads of beach towels to launder.

I'm happy to report we all rallied (after my initial panic attack), making even more loads of dirty towels to wash, welcoming another plumber who came to drain the pipes, and staying up way too late cleaning. A couple of weeks later a $100 Kwik Trip gift card arrived as an apology from the plumbers. All was forgiven...and I decided to make some lemonade out of the lemons. 

Last week, while pumping gas on my way to the airport at 8:00am, I *heard* a van approaching behind me. It was a sound I knew all too well after driving a similar car for years and I was moved to use the card that had been burning a hold in my pocketbook. 

I approached the man as he got out and said, "Hi, I was recently given a gift card and I'd like to share it with you. Can I buy your gas?" 

He said, "I just got off work and was going to put $10 in to get me to Friday." I said, "That's great news, let me fill it all the way up for you!"

He looked at me and ask skeptically, "How much are you going to charge me?"

I said, "Oh, nothing. I was given this card and want to do some good with it. May I fill up your tank?"

He smiled so big. I took that as a yes.

I inserted my card to charge the gas, told him to have a great day and started to walk away. (Note: the photo was taken separately, away from him, you know, for visual blog purposes. 😅 And the top photo was taken while visiting my daughter in Madison when I realized the Kwik Trip I was at was cute, I was wearing a bandana banana shirt, and had the banana card in my wallet with a future plan in place and it seemed meant to be.)

He said, "I'm so glad I was the first person you saw! Will the rest of the money be wasted since you won't be here?" 

I said, "Nope, it'll stay on the card and I'll give it to someone else some time. I hope you have a great day!"

"You too! Thanks again!" he said and that was that. 

I think he left feeling better than when he pulled in. I know I did. Funny how contagious happiness can be. 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Week 12: Thank a Hero, Be a Hero

Last week marked the anniversary of September 11th. As the daughter of a firefighter, for me, it is a day of quiet and sadness and reflection and doing my best to honor those lost each year. As a result, last week's Kindness Countdown activity was two-part. 

I scheduled my bimonthly blood donation for September 10th, reflecting on the thousands of people who unknowingly saw their last day (with loved ones). Versiti, who I donate with, gave all donors a t-shirt printed with the Twin Towers and a circle of hands around it saying "Stronger Together: Save Lives in Memory of Those We Lost." 

It was a special donation. Unlike the large, upbeat donations I usually attend, this one was small and intimate, just four chairs set up. The other givers and I reflected on where we were that horrific day 23 years ago, who we hugged tight, what we've done since then to honor those whose lives changed that day. 

One woman said, "I try not to think about it too much, it was just such a sad day." I told her I understood that, and respect that everyone has their own way of coping, but that for me, I tell myself that the least I can do is feel it all over again, to seek out the remarkable stories of bravery and selflessness, of people coming together, to continue to push myself to live my life to its fullest because so many weren't given that opportunity. 

The next part of last week's KC activity included picking out sweet treats to take to my town's fire department. It consists almost entirely of volunteers, people who have full lives and careers but still find the time/generosity to serve their community in such a big way. 

I stopped at the store and picked out three of my favorite baked goods, picked up my daughter from school, and then we drove to the station. 

As we were walking to the office, I told her the unique smell of firehouses instantly takes me back to my childhood each time I step inside one; memories flood in of riding bikes to the station with my brother to visit our dad, taking my high school dance dates to pose for homecoming and prom photos on firetrucks, visiting during the dinners they'd take turns cooking for each other, like the family they were. 

And that's all that was lost for so many on 9/11. 

I will never forget.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Week 11: Personalized Packages

I'm really cutting the deadline for this blog post close, whew! Better almost late than never, so here goes...

Last week's project consisted of three personalized packages for different special people in my life; two mailed, one delivered in person. 

The first was a card and art project for my daughter away at college. I'm going to keep the description for this one short and sweet...and private. ;)

The second was for some awesome repeat clients who purchased their home with me five years ago and now, two kids later, realized their dream of owning a lake cottage. I packaged up some s'mores supplies, of course, and everything needed for them to add a personalized arrow directing visitors to their cottage on the poles that lead to their little community drive. 

And the last was a Packers Party in a Box (everyone at the UPS store got a kick out of that when the employee asked me what was inside). 

My boyfriend's good friend goes out to Colorado to stay for a week each year and they play golf by day and draft their fantasy teams by night. This year, I sent them all the fixings needed for a proper Packers party to celebrate the season's kickoff again the Eagles in Brazil. 

I only wish I could have packed a W in there for them (and me) to enjoy. Go Pack Go!!

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Week 10: I Can't Do Much, But I Can Do That

Last week's act of kindness was inspired by a handful of people in my life (directly and loved ones of my loved ones) who had serious medical issues. 

I'm a woman of action and I really don't like feeling powerless, especially when health is on the line for those I care about, but with those people living far away and me not being medically trained outside of essential oils, supplements, and 20 years of motherhood, there wasn't anything for me to do but text and pray for them. 

But I thought there may be something I could do, that I know is very small, for strangers closer to home. And so that's what I did.

I sorted out the $38 in quarters I had in my bear bank (given to me by my Uncle Dick and Aunt Barb when I was born - excited to visit you in NM for Thanksgiving, you two!), my daughter divided them between two baggies, and we headed out to our two area hospitals.

After confirming there were vending machines there and that they did indeed still accept quarters (my Gen Z daughter was the genius behind checking; you never know these days - and typing that, boy do I ever feel each of my 49+ years...), we sat on a bench outside and decided what to write on the note.

As you can see, we kept is simple. Afterall, the people reading it were in a hospital, close to the emergency room; they just needed the facts and a snack. And that's what they got.

The world has an uneasy feeling right now, and if I could give you all a little treat to help the days feel better, I would. 

I know the flowers I got last week helped me. The unexpected call from my son yesterday made me feel loved. My daughter inviting me to a concert with her made my heart swell. My other daughter looking at me when we laugh at the same parts of the show we're binging makes me so happy. The marinated goat cheese I splurged on at Costco and am enjoying as I type this helps. 

I hope you have little bits of goodness in your life too. 

And I hope you give them to others as well.